WebGlobulus is a further development from previous implementations of webglobulus 2.1 and webglobulus 3.0 . All of them are based on previous modelling done by Tomé et al. (2001) and Tomé et al (2006).
This version in not a JAWS (Just Another Web Site). Although it provides a better interface, the main difference is the provision of the model as a web service supplying the model to other applications that only need to query the model executable with the model inputs (arguments).
M. Tomé; F. Ribeiro; P. Soares, 2001. O Modelo Globulus 2.1. Relatórios Técnico–Científicos do GIMREF, nº 1/2001, Departamento Engenharia Florestal, ISA, Lisboa.
Tomé, M., Oliveira, T., Soares, P. 2006 O modelo Globulus 3.0. Publicações GIMREF - RC2/2006. Universidade Técnica de Lisboa. Instituto Superior de Agronomia. Centro de Estudos Florestais. Lisboa. 23 pp.
Free to use with no guaranty or responsability on model results. Model outputs should be interpreted carefully and under expert advise